7 Surprising Sources of Protein

Source: Dr Oz

If you feel tired and hungry all the time, you may not be getting enough protein. Proteins are the building blocks of the body. They help boost energy, curb appetite and burn fat. You should be eating a minimum of 50 grams of protein every day. If you’re having trouble reaching that goal or are simply looking for ways to mix up your diet, these surprising sources of protein are great additions to any meal!


From antioxidants to mono-unsaturated fats, avocados are loaded with good-for-you nutrients including protein. Nature’s butter, as Dr. Oz likes to call it, contains over four grams of protein per cup. Add it to salads, sandwiches and even smoothies!

An avocado pear cut in half.


Gruyère Cheese

One ounce of this popular hard cheese contains eight grams of protein – more than an egg!

A cheese platter.



A half-cup of this versatile snack contains more than seven grams of protein. Add chickpeas to a salad, purée them with tahini, garlic, vinegar and some oil to make hummus or roast them for an on-the-go protein boost.



Hemp Seeds

This superfood is loaded with protein and essential amino acids. One ounce of hemp seeds contains six grams of protein – about as much as an egg! It can be added to almost any meal with ease, just sprinkle it over cereals, salads or rice dishes.

A hand folded in the shape of a heart holding hemp seeds.


Green Peas

Did you know a serving of green peas contains as much protein as single serving of peanut butter? A single cup of peas contains eight grams of protein as well as nearly 100% of your daily vitamin C needs and plenty of satiating fiber.


A bowl of green peas.


Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are popular in the fall but they’re a protein-packed food you should be eating year-round: one ounce contains nine grams of protein! If you’re looking for a new way to eat this favorite, try adding them to your morning oatmeal.


A wooden spoon holding some pumpkin seeds lying on a bed of more pumpkin seeds.


Sundried Tomatoes

Think outside the pasta bowl! Sundried tomatoes are the perfect addition to chili and other bean dishes as well as salads and salsas. One cup of this nutrient-packed superfood contains eight grams of protein.

Sundried Tomatoes.